Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik
Abteilung Astronomie
Waldhäuser Str. 64, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
About This Server
Different languages on this server
Although this server is located in Germany most of these web pages
are in English to make them available for the community. Only a few
web pages contain parts in German language where it is not reasonable
to translate these parts.
HTML usage on this server's web pages
"But beware of the dark side... If once you start down the dark path,
forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will..."
"...Is the dark side stronger?"
" Quicker, easier, more seductive."
Yoda and Luke Skywalker,
The Empire Strikes Back
Spoken about the Force, but just as appropriate in reference to HTML.
All web pages on this server with the official logo and header of the
Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Abt. Astronomie,
are designed without any special Netscape or Internet Explorer
features according to the following lines:
All these pages do not contain frames, large background or
foreground images or Java applets if they are not announced
on the preceeding page.
All these pages do not contain large tables. If tables are required
they are announced on the preceeding page and an alternative
version as preformatted text is offered as well. Any small table
must gracefully degrade if the preformatted text is omitted.
Included images have an ALT attribute with a descripition of the
All these pages are HTML 3.2 (Wilbur) documents validated by
WebTechs HTML
Validation Service
All these pages are
best viewed
with any browser
without any loss of information and with
insignificant loss of the document's format.
All these pages are tested with NCSA Mosaic 2.4 (which does not
understand background color, tables, image alignment),
Lynx 2.7 (text browser) using
Steven L.
Baur's Lynx Viewer
, Netscape 3.01 and MS Internet Explorer 3.0.
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Please do not hesitate to give us
Fabian Rother (
Last updated 14-Jul-1997